Prayer Requests...
  • Jeremy to be home more often than not (for all of us to accept his time away as it is directed from God)
  • Jeremy to be able to see clearly what his new job title entails and to stay focused on those specific duties (so he is not pulled too many directions)
  • Healing Grayson from his pneumonia
    • Praise!  We have confirmed that he does have we can treat it accordingly!
  • Taylor taking the PSAT on the 17th.
    • She just took the SAT and is "drained" from it.  :)
  • Strained finances...along with many other people, I'm sure.

True Woman Conference
      Taylor and I attened this conference and were not disappointed!  Nancy Leigh DeMoss hosts this even through her ministry "Revive Our Hearts".  We came out of it refreshed with our love for the Lord and a renewal of our christian walk.  I highly encourage any woman who needs a revival in her "walk" to go to Nancy's website and listen to as many of the speakers as possible. 

Girls Gone Wise
     That is for me and my girls!  We have embarked on a new study called "Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild".  This book is by Mary Kassian. 
Girl-Gone-WILD                                  Girl-Gone-WISE
Christ is Peripheral                                                                  Christ is Central
World-Instructed                                                                     Word-Instructed
Self-Manipulated                                                                     God-Orchestrated
We have studied where our hearts devotion lies, to self or to the ways of God?  Next, we studied where we seek counsel, from the things of this world or from God's Word and His Spririt?  The last point we studied was our approach, who directs our love story, do we through manipulation or by seeking God's will?  Great study so far!


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