Electronics...who needs em'!
     Well, the answer is ME but they don't work the way I would like so I'm not so happy.  Haven't blogged in awhile since they were having problems.  I have been trying to get my CHRISTMAS video uploaded but have had trouble.  It wouldn't allow me to upload pictures or anything.  Doesn't make for a great blog.  :)

      Jeremy has continued to be in Toronto more than at home.  Tough for us, tougher for him.  Please pray:

  • For continued safety
  • Good physical and mental health
  • Hiring the right people to work there full time (allowing for less travel)
  • Contentment, a quiet spirit, a stronger faith in God

The kids are sad but school and activities help them to stay focused on what they need to do.  It's tough being a "single parent" but sometimes just as tough to adjust when Jeremy is home.  In Romans 8:28-29 it talks about God doing ALL things for the believers' good and for His glory.  In James, God tells us our trials develop perseverance, and perseverance leads to a greater faith in Him.  Isn't that our goal as believers?

     A verse we have been memorizing is 2 Corinthians 7:1 " Let us purify ourselves above all things that contaminate body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God".  If this is what it takes to grow our faith and "perfect holiness out of reverence for God" then let it be.  Just because out expectations aren't met doesn't mean God is wrong.


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