Goodbye Florida sun...Hello, Polar Vortex Pt. 2?

What?  We had beautiful sun...some cold days, but mostly sunny another Polar Vortex?

Real life today...
  • School...Check!
  • Laundry...Check!
  • House showing...Check!
  • Prepare for Polar Vortex AGAIN...Check!  Ugh!
The next 6 out of 7 days call for snow, extremely cold temperatures with some lows below "0".  Why did we come back, again?  There will be more school delays, more frozen pipes, more cars broken down, snow-packed roads, and more cabin-fever.

Pictures to come if I am able to retrieve them from my daughter's camera.  High-tech!!

School fact for the day...
       Though there are probably many more, we are studying 35 spelling words that are French! 
Some include:  Chalet, Mustache, Camouflage, Collage, Portrait, Machine, Routine, Magazine, Buffet, Fillet, Coupon, Souvenir, Foreign, Resign, Fatigue, Vague, Bouillon, Bureau, name a few.  Now you know why you can't sound out the spelling of many words. :)
       Biology--animals outside of their God-given habitats, can cause havoc to its new surroundings.  With no natural predators, they can thrive and destroy their new surroundings due to an overpopulation.


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