As we approach the Christmas Season...
          I am continually looking for ways to keep Christmas about Christ.  In one of my favorite songs, the Hallelujah Chorus, is refers to Christ as "Wonderful", "Counselor", "Almight God", "Everlasting Father", and "Prince of Peace".  I keep hearing people on my radio station talking about these titles, though they are not exhaustive, for God.  I am struggling to FEEL the "Prince of Peace" as I go through my days, not wanting to wish them away, but to FEEL relief from the discomforts of my life.  I have realized these are only discomforts because my expectations are not being met.  MY expectations!  How is that keeping Christ at the center of Christmas?  It's not!  What are MY expectations?  Well, something like this...waking up to softly falling snowflakes covering the earth (setting the scene), Bing Crosby singing mellow Christmas tunes, meals (already prepared for eating for the rest of my life), chestnuts roasting on an open fire, gifts purchased and wrapped (on their own), cookies baked and just waiting to be eaten, a personal make-up artist, hairstylist, and in-general, personal groomer to take be from bed to downstairs without a thought from me put into it.  That seems to make me think I would FEEL the "Prince of Peace" if I just had all of that going on.  What a deception!  Wouldn't the devil like it so well for me to get caught in that trap!  I believe I have!  Well, what about all of gifts I receive everyday, that SHOULD  bring me peace and don't because I take them for granted and expect MORE!  Shame on me!  I don't have to keep Christ in Christmas...He's there but I'm too busy DOING things that I have missed that!  What have I missed? 

Once I heard Nancy Leigh DeMoss say, "If you received tomorrow only what you were thankful for today, what would there be tomorrow for you?"

A loving Father who guide me with His Word***A Savior who has blessed me with Eternal Life***Bibles, in various versions***A loving, devoted husband***Healthy children...4 of them!***Plenty of food to eat***A warm home***Parents/In-laws who love me***Friends who love me***Coffee***Plenty of clothing***Jewelry***hair products***warm water***clean water***trash pick-up***working furnace***school books***reader books***magazines***ice cream***make-up***paper for ALL my needs***toilet paper***toilets***computers***Internet Service***cell phone***regular phone***chapstick***cold medicine***pain medicine***glasses***soap***towels***lights***electricity***sense of humor***music***ears that work pretty well***eyes that see fairly well***treadmill***dishes***refrigerator***stove***Microwave***dishwasher***washing machine***dryer***working van***working car***piano***ability to play piano***piano lessons for kids***dog***bed***TV***radio

What would you add? :)


  1. Enjoyed Grayson's videos. You really do have a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes it is very hard to appreciate all that we have. That is, until you see someone who has almost nothing. Thanks for the reminder, I need to start my thankful list.


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