The Day After...
        Lots of leftover food...lots of gift wrapping, cardboard, plastic...lots of snow (about 9 inches I'd say)...lots of laziness.
        Our day didn't get going until probably noon.  A little sickness going around and recovery from a big day yesterday.  We awoke to excitment about what was sitting around our tree.  We opened the gifts we were blessed with, cleaned up and put together any presents that needed it, ate brunch, and relaxed by an "open fire".
        We decided we wanted to spend our day with friends so we picked up our friend, "Grandpa Fred", and celebrated with him in our home.  We invited some friends that we haven't had the chance to talk with a lot, and ones we thought may like to spend their day in any way but alone.  We were visited by Kurt & Sue Larson, "Grandma" Larson (Kurt's mom), and later Jonathan Baker and Mandy Mechenbier joined us for awhile in the evening.
        We ate well, rested well, celebrated much, and enjoyed our time with each other and our friends! 
Merry Christmas!
        Sunday we celebrated with Sheri's parents, Ron & Rosemary, and her sister's family, Todd, Stephanie, Jamie, Amanda, & Justin.  We played a funny game of Taboo, enjoyed our Mexican feast, and opened presents the kids had exchanged.
         Monday we celebrated with Sheri's parents, who had spent the night with us.  Always great to have family with us...especially grandparents!  We gave them their gifts then.  A lazy day that we enjoyed with them! 
Funny thing happened...Sheri, standing in the kitchen, thought she saw a bird hit their sliding glass door (not the funny part), so she said something to her dad, sitting at the kitchen table, and went to look outside to see if it was laying on the ground.  Nope...nothing.  So we went on with our day.  About 10 minutes later Jerry heard Libby, our dog, quietly growling under the chair Sheri's dad was sitting on.  He thought she was growling at Grandpa.  Nope.  She was growling at a small bird (maybe a wren) sitting under his chair!!  Grandpa looked down and saw the bird.  He called Sheri over to see it.  She HAD seen a bird hit the window...from the INSIDE of the house!!!!  Jerry caught it but it soon flew away, loose in the house!  Eventually the bird was caught and set free outside.  Unbelieveable!!    We believe the bird, who frequently stays in our garage, uninvited, flew in when we had the door between the garage & the house open, carrying things in and out of it.


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