"20 Items or Less"

       Are you like me and expect people to use the "20 Items or Less" if they actually have "20 Items or Less"?  Not 21, not 25...no, 20 or  less!  That's 20, 19, 18, 17,...you get the idea.  Well I was one of those people the other day.  And, yes, I even judged myself.  So as I'm walking up to the registers I am quickly scanning my items which soon added up to more than 20 items.  I did, as always, walk up to the "regular" checkout line ready to wait on the people in front of me with about 300 items each, planning on using multiple coupons, and usually having at least one problem with one of their purchases.  As I approached the register, the lady, attending the "20 Items or Less" counter was not busy AT ALL (and had no prospective customers in line), called to me and said, "I'll just take you over here."  What?!?!  Couldn't she see that I had MORE than 20 items in my cart?  I said, "Are you sure?" and she told me yes.  The angels sang, the heavens nearly opened, and my heart overflowed with joy that I was given PERMISSION to use this line when I was clearly outside the boundaries of the Rules of Groceries.  So I walked over, began unloading my "Clearly more than 20-Items-or-Less" cart when Murphy's Law happened...2 people, with their hand-held load of purchases, approached...watching me...waiting...JUDGING!  I could FEEL their disdain..."Can't she read the sign?"..."Can't she count?"..."Do the Rules of Groceries not apply to HER?"...  I couldn't wait to get out of there before the uprising occurred!  Thinking of what all their judgments were, I decided I needed to make it clear that the CASHIER was completely at fault!  What do I do?  Avoid eye contact, that is for sure.  I came up with my plan; as I made my quick exit I declared...aloud..."Thanks so much for taking me!"  There.  I was sure I did it.  I made it very clear that SHE was at fault for them waiting on ME...not the other way around.  Needless to say I still stand by my conviction...the "20 Items or Less" aisle is just that...20 ITEMS OR LESS!


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