Seriously...that is all we see when we look outside!  Glad for the snow when we want to play outside but when it is below freezing..."Ain't nobody got time for that!"
       We have the most snow we have ever had and it seems like it isn't going to end.  I know other people are suffering right along with us but this is little consolation.  Mountains of snow, inches of ice, frozen pipes, and more is not exactly the "White Christmas" effect I was hoping for.  So many schools are out!  It looks like a June ending for most schools planning to end in May.
       The dog LOVES the snow.  She wants to lay in the drifts!  Unbelievable!  She comes in the clumps of snow attached to her fur.  Prayer request--no harm to us or our loved ones, endurance (you know I'm not asking for patience :))

       On a happier note, Taylor got a job!  She will be a hostess at a local restaurant.  She is thrilled that she does not have to wear a weird uniform to work in. :)  She also loves dressing up so this is right up her alley.  Prayer request--for her safety, learning her job well, being a great employee and a light to her co-workers

       Also, we finally got an offer on our house.  We had to counter-offer back and they were unable to accept that offer but at least we got an offer.  We have had good activity so far, even with this crazy weather.  People are drawn to our big yard but that doesn't seem to be enough for them to buy.  I keep trying to be thankful that we aren't moving in the snow and freezing temps but we are all growing weary of the continual need to tidy/clean the house for showings.  Prayer request--give up grace and peace as we live in this "setting".


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