To the Beach...

BEACH DAY!   Click on pictures to see them larger.

Went to a beach in Mississauga and enjoyed ourselves!  Sand was hot, but OK.  Kids not crazy about smelly, lake water (yes, that would be Lake Ontario) but we were hot and got in the water!  It was cold but tolerable.
Chandler and Grayson


Family of swans!
Daddy swant leading the pack

Mommy swan and the babies

Beautiful High Park (yesterday)--land donated from a millionaire. 
       Land that was donated was to be free of charge, including a small zoo within its boundaries.

Beautiful carving in a cherry tree along a path

Jerry pumping the gas...can't put the "automatic holder" up to not hold it while pumping.  It's against the law here, stand there and hold it until it's done. :)


  1. Love the pictures. Keep them coming. Temp. in Goshen yesterday was 103 and I think Indy hit 108. It really is nice to have a pool. Pass along our love to all the kids (and Jerry) and we love you and look forward to seeing you soon.

  2. Hi, Looks like the boys have no problem keeping busy. The princesses are sun bathing. Ron went for a swim number 1 out of 3 for today. He can be happy doing absolutely nothing. Must be a Gardner gene. :) It rained a little so it's not quite as hot right now. Hope your house doesn't explode from the heat. :) Is Libby staying cool enough? Just wondered. Pistashio is doing well . I'm sure.
    Don't have any plans for the 4th, so we'll just go to the pool. No fireworks either this year, just too dry.
    Have a good weekend and stay Oh yes Michelle would like to talk to you but I'm not sure if she has Skype???


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