Comments, please!
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  1. I'm just trying it out too. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

  2. I wish we were coming up there! Looks like your're finding stuff to do. It was 103 degrees yesterday & supposed to be 100 today. HOT! What's the temp up there?

    1. Not so hot...80s-90s. Those are records here. Of course they keep telling me it's in the high 20s...I have to remind myself it is CELSIUS! :) Wish you could be here. Hope you're enjoying the lake cottage! Sheri

  3. Hi Sheri! I found you! Finally a way to communicate(somehow:0). I asked your mom and she led me here. It looks like you are keeping busy and having some adventures! Miss you and can't wait to talk to you later on.
    I can't figure out how to comment without being anonymous?

    1. Hello! Sorry but our e-mail has been very messed up. Keeping busy although it takes a lot to get us somewhere. We are making the best. Don't have much time with Jerry. A little after 6:30 or 9:30 pm, when he gets home, and then every other weekend. He works about 14 hrs. (except for worship services) on the weekends so we haven't seen him very much.

      After you reply, on the profile click "Name/URL" and then type your name on the line. Don't need anything in the "URL" space.

      Have you gone to PA? Hope you trip goes/went well!
      Miss you

    2. We aren't going to PA until August 3rd this year. Couldn't find any other time to go! Megan leaves for her trip July 14-22, then Andrea has dance camp July 19-22, then she has a Tenn. church trip July 26-31st. I miss you! Wish I could talk to you!:0 Michelle


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