Busy week!

Monday:  at hotel doing laundry

Tuesday:  We visited the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum).  Great museum!  Grayson asked why they in "inappropriate" things there called "art".  :)  I told him that people just think it is beautiful...he smiled.

Wednesday:  Went to Skyzone (Trampoline park)--the kids are so out of shape from riding the elevator that jumping on the trampolines was a complete workout. :)

Thursday:  at hotel

Friday:  Celebrate Chandler's 14th b-day!!
     Dropped the girls off at a HUGE mall in Mississauga to shop while I took Grayson and Chandler to the Playdium to have 2 power hours of arcade games--lots of shooting and driving some kind of vehicle...ALL boy stuff!
                  Funny...saw a kid with one hand on his arcade game and the other hand pouring down a bottle of candy (basically liquid sugar)!  It was the epitome of what a kids loves to do at a place like that.

     At night, Jerry joined us and we went to Medievil Times, a dinner theatre.  It was great!  We sat at the King's table (around an arena) and feasted (with our hands...no table ware allowed).  We watched several men joust and use different medievil weapons to "save the prince", many times they were on horseback.  The horses were so well trained; they even performed for us.  Our guy, the black & white team, won!! 
     Chandler was formally announced and the whole arena cheered for him AND he was officially knighted, certificate and all.  He said it was the best birthday EVER! :)


  1. The kids are out of shape??! Use the stairs!! Sounds like Chandler had a great birthday. What is your return schedule?

  2. I finally got to hear a little about Medievil Times. I'm sure the boys and Jerry had the most fun. How did the girls do shopping? Did Taylor find anything? I'm sure Autumn did..ha Chandler has had a good year period. He also had a good time at Learning RX.
    Glad you're home and back in the swing. Now it's time for Jerry to get back....


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