Wild Water Kingdom!
Of course there are no pictures...carrying a phone/camera around being saturated by water every 10 minutes...not practical!

It is in Brampton and wasn't too big of a deal but kept us cool in the hot weather...about 30 C/ 86 F.  Sorry for all of you sufferers in the 100s!  Good time to be in Canada.  :) 

We got some soft-serve ice cream..."drip factor" was high...I watched Autumn begin to lick her cone when, PLOP, it pushed right off the cone but was SAVED by Autumn herself, as she felt it move and CAUGHT IT WITH HER BARE HAND!!  What a save!  Of course, they gave her more ice cream...in a dish...with a cone on top!  :)

Another move???
"Lord, help us to be patient, loving, and thankful"

So we thought we were settled into a little better location for having parks, stores, etc...close by. Has not been a great experience...SMOKEY room (in non-smoking room) and what goes along with the prior residents here (no smoke detector, smokey bathroom, non-functioning windows, etc...); none of this is good for someone with asthma. They finally replaced some things today but have left it up to us, the housekeeping, and janitors to remedy this situation. I've slept on the couch to stay away from the smoke (not needing an inhaler) soooo....not such a place to stay long-term. 

BTW...have only one key that works for our room...this is after LITERALLY 24 replacement keys, all that have not worked! Mgr. called me today (knowing we haven't been thrilled with our stay) telling me she HAD to buy and VERY expensive machine to replace the one they had for coding the keys since they've had a problem for THREE WEEKS!!!! She went on to tell me she had to spend a lot of money, and didn't want to have to do this. REALLY!!!!!! Spend the money already! People need to get INTO their rooms!!! :)


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